Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Informática


  cambiar a curso:   2010-11   2012-13

Trabajo Fin de Grado 2011-12
 A World Learning Robot



Descripción y Objetivos
The focus of this project is on a computational implementation of the knowledge representation developed at the RU in past years. This includes the definition of a memory model and an adaptation of an existing learning algorithm using self-organizing memory maps. The software implementation will have the potential for interpreting events in some observed world, by means of reasoning including abductive inferencing. For test purposes an artificial world, embedded in a computer game context, is defined.

This project will be developed in Radboud University, Nijemegen, The Netherlands, supervised by Dr. Janos Sarbo, and co-supervised by M. Julia Flores in UCLM.

Metodología y Competencias
It is necessary to have already studied subjects related to Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Representation. Advanced programming skills are rquired. The student must be previously selected for the exchange program and approved by by RU university. At least B2 degree at English language.

Medios a utilizar


El Trabajo Fin de Grado ha sido a asignado a Don/Doña JORGE SAEZ GOMEZ


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Curso: 2011-12
© Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Informática
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Avda. de España s/n
02071 Albacete

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